It is time for European unity not national division.

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Appeal to the European Council to call a Convention to reform the EU


All European citizens are invited to sign this appeal that just in a few days of confidential circulation was signed by more than 150 personalities from academia, civil society, business community, of different political views and from all over the EU, and even outside, some of them with institutional experience.


Read and sign the appeal


Intervista all'On. Sandro Gozi per il lancio della...
Quale riforma dell’UE? - RiformE locandina Quale riforma dellUE RiformE

EuropeanAwarenessDay banner

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AWAREUAwarEU - European Awareness is a project financed within the Call Social Inclusion through Education, Training and Youth of the Key Action 3 Initiatives for Policy Innovation of Erasmus Plus.

The project will start in December 2016 and will be concluded by December 2018.

Past events:

(The European Awareness Days of the AWAREU Project are open to the participation of citizens, schools and university students. Free admission, reservations required, to book: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

  • WEDNESDAY 14 JUNE 2017 - Albert Halls in Stirling - Albert Place, Dumbarton Rd - European Awareness Day;
  • TUESDAY 25 APRILE 2017 - Teatro de la Luz Philips Gran Vía - Calle Gran Vía, 66, Madrid - European Awareness Day;
  • WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 22, 2017 - Teatro Olimpico in Roma - Piazza Gentile da Fabriano 17 - European Awareness Day;
  • TUESDAY FEBRUARY 14, 2017 - Teatro Tivoli in Lisbon - Avenida da Liberdade 182-88 - European Awarness Day.

The project will upscale and upgrade the European Communication format of the European Awareness Day (EAD) developed by CesUE. The communicative logic of the (EAD), which includes a Musical Recital on the EU will be used to develop a course on EU history for students offered on a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) Vle logo4

The VLE will also host specific courses for teachers and journalists, and a short basic course for the general public to help people understand the EU.

The VLE will also host a Blog, Newsletter and other interactive features to accompany the project participants and keep them updated on EU issues.

The partnership, led by CesUE, is composed by:

  • CesUE (Italy);
  • Universidade Nova de Lisboa e dal Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros – Centro de Informação e Documentação Jacques Delors (Portugal);
  • Universidad CEU San Pablo di Madrid (Spaign);
  • Jacques Delors Institute di Parigi (France);
  • University of Stirling (Stirling, Scotland – UK);
  • University of Aston (Birmingham, UK)

AwarEU counts on a vast number of Associated Partners that will help disseminate the project, including the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Italian Ministry of Education, the European Broadcasting Union, the Italian Order of Journalists and many NGOs, schools and relevant stake-holders in the various countries involved.

The Project is open to further adhesions and cooperation.

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Research, education and civil activism as businesses

We have decided to make a business out of it because it is quite an achievement to put academic, didactic, artistic and communicative professional skills at stake in the name of the complex multilevel society that every human being today is part of. Our only profit is the cultural and political growth of an intercultural society united within the framework of multilevel democratic institutions. Our mission is to really contribute to its development, transforming it from the hope of an ethical value to a widespread need and interest leading to induce subsequent behaviors. Our bet is to take part in the construction of a world open to changes, oriented towards responsibility and the enhancement of diversity.

Our guiding values

  • active and responsible multilevel citizenship inspired by creativity and science;
  • priority to the process of European political unification as a (f)actor of community-building and cosmopolitan development;
  • cooperative attitude;
  • pluralism and methodological versatility in every area of action.

CesUE was born in january 2013

On the initiative of the Scuola Sant'Anna's group of ECE, European Civic Education, led by Roberto Castaldi and Francesco Pigozzo, the Non-profit Association already called Cesue (despite a slightly different name in full) and the Cultural Association "Gli Spaesati". These realities are now integrated into a single, autonomous corporate tool that facilitates their synergies, greatly strengthens the valorization of their results and allows the development of new services and activities based on value-added transmedia creativity and advanced and interdisciplinary research..


The decision to establish CesUE and accredit it as the Spin-Off of the Scuola Sant'Anna in Pisa is a result of a successful series of ECE European Civic Education initiatives, led by Roberto Castaldi and Francesco Pigozzo, realized in the framework of this well-known Italian centre of excellence dedicated to teaching and researching in the fields of social and applied sciences, has experienced innovative European communication and training tools within some of the most cutting-edge projects at the continental level: short descriptions of projects are available on the School's website. Right from these initiatives, the School has created the current research group in European Studies at the DIRPOLIS Institute, which keeps collaborating with CesUE in many fields and projects.

gli spaesati

A key role in the success of the "Learning EU at School" projects initially promoted at the Scuola Sant'Anna has been played by the inclusion and enhancement of artistic products and creative and managerial skills of a small cultural association devoted to the design and implementation of communicative products with high aesthetic and at the same time civic values, called Gli Spaesati (Les Dépaysés). In that context, Francesco Pigozzo and Daniela Martinelli created two original theatrical works that play today an essential part of the European Awarenss Days format but continue also to live as autonomous works: Europe: What a Passion! and How Is the World?, which translates the ideal of European unity into prose theater language, drawing inspiration from a text of the Ventotene exile of one of Europe's fathers, Altiero Spinelli. The work embodies a ruthless blend between the theater of the absurd and political theater, engaging the two protagonists in a deadly interpretive tour de force and spectators in an engaging adventure on the edge between nonsense and meaning, slavery and freedom, hallucination and action.

cesue associazione

CesUE takes its name from a previous non-profit association, Cesue Centro Studi, documentazione e formazione sull'Unione Europea, from which it also inherits the human capital accumulated in fifteen years of project, training, scientific and consulting experience.

Cesue was founded in 1995 in Florence by a group of academics, professionals and experts on European integration with the aim to spread information, foster debates, research and training on issues related to the European integration process. The non-profit association is still active.

Starting by 2019

During 2019 CesUE'group changed, as the decision of Francesco Pigozzo and Daniela Martinelli to continue independently their activities, so that to devote themselves to the specific development of their artistic and pedagogical research - without thereby changing the spirit and objectives that remain shared with CesUE.



CesUE is always looking for partners for new projects and initiatives.

On the basis of its expertises, CesUE makes its competence available to businesses, public administrations, and civil society organizations on:

  • research and development of local and international stakeholders’s networks;
  • re-engineering of organizational and administrative processes;
  • strategic consultancy;
  • european funding consultancy;
  • projects design and managemen;
  • competence assessment;
  • designing and realizing of training/coaching modules;

...and in any other way it may be usefull to adapt its organization to the multilevel global context in which we all work today.



Progetto WeEU

WeEU - We europeans is the third Jean Monnet Project designed CesUE ...


Progetto Awareu

AwarEU - European Awareness (Consapevolezza Europea) is a project financed within the Call "Social Inclusion through Education, Training and Youth" of the Key Action 3 Initiatives for Policy Innovation of Erasmus Plus Programof the Key Action 3 Initiatives for Policy Innovation of Erasmus Plus...

Progetto Euman

CesUE is involved in the call for proposal Jean Monnet Projects 2016 with the EUMAN project addressed to the italian art schools, Licei Artistici, Musicali and Choreutic which aims to transform the European Awareness Days format in a powerful tool of European Civic Education...

Progetto EUnews

EUNews is the second Jean Monnet Project designed CesUE after EUMAN.

With EUNews CesUE launches a TV partnership with the Tuscany regional broadcasting company Granducato TV and...

Banner EUACT

eCampus telematic University is a young and well-established reality of the Italian academic world that bases its development on the high competence and quality of its teaching staff and its eLearning infrastructure...

BannerEUPATH Nuovo

EUPath is the Jean Monnet Project 2017 that allows the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa to further develop its European Civic Education initiatives. Designed in tight cooperation with CesUE experts, this project will directly...




Appeal to the European Council to call a Convention to reform the EU


All European citizens are invited to sign this appeal that just in a few days of confidential circulation was signed by more than 150 personalities from academia, civil society, business community, of different political views and from all over the EU, and even outside, some of them with institutional experience.


Read and sign the appeal