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Appeal to the European Council to call a Convention to reform the EU


All European citizens are invited to sign this appeal that just in a few days of confidential circulation was signed by more than 150 personalities from academia, civil society, business community, of different political views and from all over the EU, and even outside, some of them with institutional experience.


Read and sign the appeal


Quale riforma dell’UE? - RiformE locandina Quale riforma dellUE RiformE

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EAD Arcimboldi LocandinaAt the end of the EUMAN – Arts and Humanities for an inclusive EU Project, the second edition of the contest IT’s EUMAN! starts. The contest is addressed to the italian art schools, Licei Artistici, Musicali and Choreutic, students. The winners of the contest will be awarded during the "European Awareness Day" which will conclude the project in Milan at the prestigious Teatro degli Arcimboldi with the support of the Municipality of Milan, on 20 February 2018 (beginning at 10.30 am).

After the great success of the event, hosted at the Teatro dal Verme in January 2014, attended by 1400 students and teachers from all over Lombardy, the musical recital “Europe: what a Passion!” will come back to Milan, in a new edition, result of the continuous evolution of an artistic project, which in the meantime, has been played throughout all Europe with original language versions always written by Daniela Martinelli and Francesco Pigozzo, with, on the stage, Paolo Barillari, Francesco Pigozzo, Michela Ciusani and Davide Magnabosco.


Other information by Ufficio Scolastico Regionale lombardo:

 Download the brochure

Considering both aspects relating to knowledge and action training, constitutes a key-word for CesUE.

CesUE aims at reaching knowledge and raising knowledge so as to act, being aware of the fact that in the field of Social Sciences and History knowing means acting.

CesUE has always carried out training for trainers at all educational level, as well as for pupils attending the last 3 years of secondary school. Our next step will be to involve also under 17 pupils, and all those adults who benefit from training courses co-funded by the European Union.

European Civic Education and the Nurturing of Diversity - interdisciplinary themes through which foster a democratic and multilevel active citizenship - are crucial to CesUE training activities.

logo ece a frecciaEuropean Civic Education: what a stranger! The relationship between “Europe” and its citizens – whatever their age – is paradoxical. Indeed, notwithstanding the 60 years of benefits – let’s think to growth, wealth, enhancement of democracy in a globalized world, social and environmental sustainability, and so forth – Europe is little known or deformed by stereotypes. As a result, misunderstandings and skepticism towards the European Union is (further) tarnishing general loyalty to the ideal of European unity.

CesUE was established in order to address this challenge, and to innovate the way European citizens are trained and informed about European Union issues. Indeed, we do believe that citizens might play a pivotal role in shaping the ongoing integration process.

CesUE sees European unity as one of the most urgent among current issues. Hence, to the purpose to foster multilevel participation, we need to form a European civic consciousness.


publication 3The number 39 of the series I Quaderni della Ricerca di Loescher is in all the bookshops. Born from the multi-level experiences of the Accordo di Programma and the pilot group to introduce the European dimension in the teaching of "Citizenship and Constitution" in the Italian school system.

The CesUE's founders contributed as experts to the work of the pilot group and in the volume with three essays.


BannerEUPATH NuovoEUPath is the Jean Monnet Project 2017 that allows the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa to further develop its European civic education initiatives.

Designed in tight cooperation with CesUE experts, this project will directly involve them in the organization and realization of several activities among which a European Awareness Day and a summer school on European subjects and active citizenship tailored to young students from Tuscany secondary schools.

Banner EUACT sitoThe eCampus telematic University is a young and well-established reality of the Italian academic world that bases its development on the high competence and quality of its teaching staff and its eLearning infrastructure.

with the EUAct Project – Active Learning for an active EU citizenship, that reached the very first places in the continental ranking of Jean Monnet 2017 projects selected by the European Commission, eCampus won its first European Erasmus+ project, conceived by Francesco Pigozzo in close collaboration with the Multilevel Integration and Governance Process Research Center of CesUE directed by Roberto Castaldi.

the project will involve the secondary schools of the second degree of the 11 cities in which cui eCampus is present with a range of free activities, highly innovative result of good practice as recognized by the Ministry of Education and the European Commission, among the others:

  • Europe: what a Passion!”, the Recital will be project in the cinemas in events followed by a debate with the audience in the hall;
  • Workshops addressed to teachers, structured in innovative mixed ways in presence and through eLearning, but consistent with the pilot training program developed by MIUR, the European Commission, the European Parliament and the European Policy Department for the implementation of the agreement on Europe in schools (;
  • A contest that will give the opportunity to get the full coverage of the costs of participating in an intensive Summer School dedicated to students from Italian secondary schools interested in European items and to receive a specific orientation for the development of university and career paths open to European and international dimension of european contemporary society.

EumanCesUE  is involved in the "call for proposal" Jean Monnet Projects 2016 with a project addressed to the italian art schools, Licei Artistici, Musicali and Choreutic which aims to transform the European Awareness Days in a powerfull tool of European Civic Education.

On Tuesday, February 20, 2018 (NEXT EVENT), at Teatro degli Arcimboldi in Milan, the conclusive European Awareness Day will close the EUMAN Project with the award of the "It's Euman" Contest.

Past events:

  • Friday, 28 April, 2017, at Teatro Sociale in Busto Arsizio (VA) was played the Partecipative European Awareness Day by CesUE 's group with and the students of Liceo Candiani - Baush and other Licei of Lombardia.
  • Monday 13 mMarch 2017, Aula Magna of Liceo Candiani - Baush, in Busto Arsizio (VA): third meeting of deepening with Francesco Pigozzo on "Migrazione. Una priorità per la Commissione Europea".
  • friday, 20 jannuary 2017, Aula Magna of Liceo Candiani - Baush, in Busto Arsizio (VA): second meeting of deepening with Francesco Pigozzo on "Capire i fenomeni migratori contemporanei".
  • Monday 12 december 2016, Aula Magna of Liceo Candiani - Baush , in Busto Arsizio (VA): first meeting of deepening with Francesco Pigozzo on "L'Unione Europea questa sconosciuta".
  • Monday 28 november 2016, Liceo Candiani (Busto Arsizio, VA): selection screenings for instrumentalists, singers and actors involved in the training course aimed at staging "Europe: what a passion!". .

EUMAN is the first project that CesUE (Centro studi, formazione, comunicazione e progettazione sull’Unione Europea e la global governance Srl) presents within the Erasmus* program after years of expertise on European Civic Education that CesUE developed trought prestigious collaborations with Italian and European University and think tank.

EUMAN stimulates EU civic education in a significant secondary school population with no EU specific coverage and the wherewithal to become a multiplier of pro-EU communication for the public opinion at all levels: teachers and students of Licei Artistico, Musicale and Coreutico in Italy (125.000 people following official statistics), devoted to audio-visual and performing arts.

Three groups of activities run parallel in the program:

  1. In each Italian regional capital, CesUE leds a training morning at one of the partner school, during which:
    • the Recital “Europe: what a Passion! will be projected (a musical recital that mentally engages the story of the European integration process from World War II to today) as an example of artistic creation inspired by the problem of European unification process;
    • a dialogical lesson will be proposed, by CesUE, focused on the relationship between the EU, the mass migration to Europe and the political instability at EU borders;
    • the national creative contest “It’s EUman!” will be launched: the contest is addressede to groups of students (at least two students or group-class or group-schools) with the aim of producing original cross-media works between all fields of literary, figurative, audiovisual and / or performative arts, to produce a video recording to be submitted to a committee composed by representatives of CesUE, RAI and a referent for each of the partner schools networks, to partecipate to the contest. The awards ceremony will take place at a public event in Rome at Spazio Europa at the end of the project. The best works will be published on the RAI School website.
  2. CesUE will be involved in experimentation and dissemination through detailed didactic package of an innovative educational program that exploits a best practice of EU communication (European Awareness Days, featuring a music recital show on EU history and challenges) to transform it into a fully participatory event organized by students as a result of structured learning activities focused on EC migration priority (multidisciplinary teaching that puts the EU at the core of targeted schools curricula, conferences and public events that will involve local civil society).
  3. As follow-up activity of the project, with value for further dissemination of results, Milan will host a new European Awareness Day representation, in a new specifically developed version, in a city theater involving the Lombardy schools, with particular reference to the regional network of Artistic, Musical and Core Teaching Lectures.

Partners of the project:

  1. Rete nazionale Licei Artistici Italiani

    Rete Nazionale Licei Artistici Italiani

  2. Rete nazionale "Qualità e sviluppo dei Licei Musicali e Coreutici"

    Rete Nazionale Licei Musicali e Coreutici

  3. Rappresentanza della Commisione europea in Italia

    Rappresentanza Commissione Europea in Italia

  4. Rai Cultura

  5. network

  6. Liceo Candiani - Baush

see the others current projects





Appeal to the European Council to call a Convention to reform the EU


All European citizens are invited to sign this appeal that just in a few days of confidential circulation was signed by more than 150 personalities from academia, civil society, business community, of different political views and from all over the EU, and even outside, some of them with institutional experience.


Read and sign the appeal